
X-mas party #1

Okay, this was the first Christmas party/dinners of the season, I only have 5 left;
  1. My work X-mas party
  2. The fun X-mas party
  3. Our X-mas party/ gift exchange 
  4. M's parents' X-mas eve party
  5. Dinner with my parents 
I doubt any of these other parties are going to include full sized bottles of vodka and brandy.  Per table.  With about 7 people per table.  At about 20+ tables.  That's a lotta booze, even for me.  I've never seen anything like, it was like an open bar for lazy, hardcore alcoholics.   The party started at 6PM, no one really got there until, about 7 , by 8 everyone had that boozy walk, and by 9:30, the time we left, supervisors were giving slurred speeches to their underlings.  
After witnessing all this I had two revelations, 1) I don't ever want to work for the county(though I'm sure I will at some point, *sigh*), 2) I want to drink less.  I didn't get drunk, or suffer a hangover, or embarrass my self, but suddenly, somehow, drinking finally lost its glamour.  Kind of like finding out Santa's not real.  My ability to drink has become a party trick, I drink a lot to shock my friends by still being semi-coherent.  Well, I'm tried of being a one trick pony.  I need a new useless skill.  But one that makes me feel like a tough guy.  
And I hope this what my new found semi-sobriety looks like;