
Since I still haven't heard anything my raise...

That's not true, I got a "we work something out" last week.  But since then I haven't heard anything, not has the bookkeeper, which means no research has been done as the raise.  So, in my passive aggressive way I am rebelling.  By working on notecard invites to send to friends for all the fabulous future parties that we'll be hosting.
Here are the two I did yesterday;
I think they would look cute printed on small index cards with a "hand drawn" map on the back.  And the usual info, time, date place, etc. of course.
Going to the subject, the cause of my angst, the raise, it looks like I have to bring it up once again.  Motherfuckinsonofbitch.  Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased that I've been so ballsy about the whole thing and that I'm willing to pursue something that I want.  But no real progress has been made other than acknowledgement and the "promise" that something with be "worked out", whatever that means...
*le sigh*


What I did at work today

Hooray for new fonts!