
New Year's resolutions during a recession

Obviously my main resolution is to save money.  Which means I'll be brown bagging it for the rest of the year, which means no more fried cheese for lunch, which means I'll be eating health food because vegetables and fruit are cheap.  So its kinda of like I'd be taking care of two resolutions at once; save and eat better.  I also want to cut back on my drinking, I know that must come as a shock to you my dear readers, but I know the combo of drinks and pills are not good for my body.  This will also allow me to save a lot by not spending so much at clubs.  I would say this will save money at Trader Joe's, by not getting two buck Chuck every time I go there, but I like the fizzy drinks from there (and the Izzies from Target) which cost as much as wine.  If not more.
Taking a moment to talk about my compulsive drinking, I was home alone during the day on the 31st and I drank half a carton of orange juice and a bottle of wine, because that was all we had.  Then I had like 5 beers at a NYE party.  And a rum and coke. And half a martini.  And diet coke.  And a milk shake.   We started our evening at In n' Out, then a house party, then a club, then conked out at X's.  Other than having to use the really nasty bathroom at the goth club (I had no idea that it took so much strength to ... um... hover over a toilet, but when there are no seat covers, what's a girl to do?) there were no ill side effects.  Not even a trace of a hangover.  It appears that I drink and it affects M, because she did wake up with a headache.
Back to the topic of resolutions; everything will be fine if we can just keep our jobs for the rest of the year. So far it seems that we're in no danger, but if we hit that 10% unemployment rate, or an economic depression as it is called, it will be time for all our friends to move in to our studio (we've got rent control!)