
"No time to fall behind!"

This is what they tell transfer students, or at least those that transfer from a semester to a quarter system. They tell you that, "You'll be so busy trying to complete the most basic work that you won't even have enough time to slack off." I'd just like to say that's not true, there is always time to slack off, if you're willing to prioritize it. There are always naps, internet "research" projects, music, idle chit chat, and hair to dye. Thinking back to my college days I take pride in my ability to successfully transfer from a community college semester system to a university quarter system, and manage to screw around just as much as I ever did, if not more so, and actually raise my GPA in the process. To those who didn't have time for mid-afternoon naps I say, "You should have tried harder!"
Also, the work is not that fucking hard*, there will always be one easy class per quarter that won't require much effort. And once you stop caring, it only gets easier.

*I say this only as a humanities major.