
Our car was broken into!

Yesterday, actually.  And our stereo was stolen.  I didn't know that people stole those anymore, especially ones like ours where it cost way more to install than it did to buy...  Anyway, I'm particularly shocked that I don't feel violated or threatened.  I think it's because it wasn't just our car that was smashed and robbed, but one of six cars (all belonging to various neighbors of mine), it took away the sting.  So did the fact the this apparently happened to a bunch of people last week, and the week before that, and before that...

So (almost) needless to say we're now paying for a parking spot in a gated lot, that has a security guard.

And I would like to state for the record that our thief was very considerate and when s/he ripped the radio from the dash that s/he didn't damage the wires that control the AC.  They did a very good job.