
Urban Decay has Spring looks!

I think I'll wear cat fight  to work.   Apparently the look for spring is all out war between the lips and the eyes.  All but one of the looks, cat fight, has bright lips vs. bright eyes.  That's why it wins out as my day time, at the office make-up.  I wish I could post a picture of this, please check out the link.
The spring looks are a part of their new cream eyeshadow line, which I would love to buy all of, but at $17 bucks a pop, I think I might just sticking my shadow with Vaseline.  Or should I say "vaseline", since it came from the 99 cents store.  But let us gaze on what I cannot have...
And the colors that I really, really want




Incase you should read this before V-Day, M, I want one.  We're spending the day apart, maybe as a part of a new tradition, M in another county, me, babysitting finicky dogs.  I wonder if we really could pull this off every year?