Adobe Digital Editions . The only way one can read ebooks from LAPL. And it's a bit easier on the eyes than Reader. The catch, of course, is that you can't copy the books. At least not any traditional way, although you can print them. Anyway, this post is basically directed at E, the only person I know who might use this program as a source of entertainment. Maybe I should have sent this to her as an email, but what the hell.
Hmmm, what else can I write about... my favorite thing on LifeHacker, aside from the software, are the pictures of people's computer rooms . Or computer side of the apartment, whatever. I'm obsessed with seeing the homes of others. I want to know how they live, what they buy, how they organize, what they display and what they hide. I'm the same way about purses. Flickr has loads of what's in you bag photos. What I want to see most of all, in rooms and bags, are books. I want to know what other people are reading, because I need to find some new authors. Yes, it's that time of year, to find new fiction. Unfortunately, the Da Vinci appears way too often. Oh my god, I can't focus, I need to eat my cheesy lunch.
Consumed by lunch
I can't think straight, I want food so bad. It's not that I'm that hungry, I'm just craving something, something cheesy. Actually, anything cheesy. So, in the meantime, to quell my hunger/craving I'm drinking black coffee. Yum, delicious black coffee. I should boil it down on the warmer, so it'll get nice and thick. And burnt. Then I could pretend it's food. Awful food that has been served at a socially important dinner party, so no one has any choice but to eat. It would be good practice.
Running errands after work
So after a long, long day at work I went to Ralph's to buy the essentials; bread, beans, tomatoes, toilet paper, and wine. Not being Trader Joe's the cheapest they had was $5 for a little four pack of Sutter Home Merlot. What made this whole little trip interesting was what the cashier said to me. " I love the little bottles, I can never finish a regular bottle. And when you try to save it, it taste funny."
I almost said "Well, that's never been a problem for me." Instead I said, "And they're so cute, they look like something dolls would drink out of." That got me a bit of a strange look.
I almost said "Well, that's never been a problem for me." Instead I said, "And they're so cute, they look like something dolls would drink out of." That got me a bit of a strange look.
Climbin' that pole to success
As expected this story begins in a bar. A bar with a pole. Lousy music + can't drink more than one martini = let's pole dance! Actually we thought we try to climb up the pole, think the reverse of firemen sliding down the pole. It's harder than it looks. I do not have the upper body strength to hoist myself up a pole, and despite having long, finger-like toes, I was unable to utilize them due the huge heels I had decided to wear that night.
Hmm, what else is new... we were in the unnamed club for X's birthday. In San Diego. M and I have finally forced our friends to live through the horror that lesbian night life in San Diego. We got these really cute shoe's for X, see image below,

Oh, and instead of getting hung over this weekend I got a cold.
Hmm, what else is new... we were in the unnamed club for X's birthday. In San Diego. M and I have finally forced our friends to live through the horror that lesbian night life in San Diego. We got these really cute shoe's for X, see image below,

Oh, and instead of getting hung over this weekend I got a cold.
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