I think I've found my programing project for the final.
If all goes well I will be moving on from my current job by mid 2010. The horrible catch is that this next job needs be a step down the dark and spooky career path.
Of course I can spend all day fantasying about all the things I'd rather be doing, but actually putting my money where my mind is... ugh. So, right now I've got roughly six months to finally do what I've been putting off for the past 27 years, decide what the fuck it is what I want to for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, until I drop dead.
Unless M is planing on dropping out of grad school to pursue med school then housewife is out of the question. Besides, she would probably become neurosurgeon only to work for free in some godforsaken part of the 3rd world. Anyway, I'll take housewife off the list, that'll narrow things down a bit.
Lez look at the possible career choice for young women... oh wait maybe this will help!
if only I had this game when I was little, I wouldn't be in such a pickle.