
I don't enjoy the suffering of others...

but I do enjoy their being inconvenienced. Schadenfreude lite, all the pleasure with half the vileness. Knowing that someone you don't particularly like (or better yet, you really don't like), has suffered some small set back, especially when it's due to their own stupidity, just makes my day. I know this isn't good for my mental health, because there is a treacherous part of my self that not only enjoys my set backs, but is also capable of causing them. This'll cause schadenfreude for someone else, I'm sure.


I took three naps yesterday!

That's a new record for me. I took one during my lunch break(20 min.s), on the drive home from the doctor (1 hour), I was the passenger, and when I got home(2 1/2 hours). I was even in bed by 12:30AM. I suffer from really bad menstrual fatigue. Well I don't really suffer per se, I enjoy napping and for once it justifiable. It kinda feels like when you take nighttime cold med.s in the day, while you're at work, and you find your eyelids dropping, head titled forward, and warm drool trickling from your slack jaw. It's kinda peaceful, what I hope euthanasia feels like, warm and cozy.

New neighbors still living in apartment across the way...

despite it's being haunted. I'm working another theory about why the ghost hasn't chased them off yet. The new neighbors are vampires! Allow me to explain, trust me it'll all make so much sense in the end you'll be hanging garlic, filling squirt guns with holy water and sharping your stakes. They're up all night and completely silent all day. Not a peep. And they don't seem to cook, or if they do, they don't wash their dishes for I hear no sounds of cleanliness. M thinks that they're probably students, up all night, at school or sleeping all day, eating only prepared meals, the way we did when we were students. I think it's better to err on the side caution and prepare for the inevitable blood bath.


Morning relief, just as good an Xanax

The homosexual agenda advances yet another step, thanks to all the activist judges we've got in our pocket. I love the "rational basis" part the best.

From AP wire;

Miami Judge Rules Against Fla. Gay Adoption Ban

A juvenile court judge in Miami on Monday allowed a gay couple to adopt two children who had been in their foster care, ruling that a Florida law banning gay couples from adopting is unconstitutional.

Miami Dade Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman ruled Tuesday there was "no rational basis" for prohibiting gays from adopting children.

The ruling will allow Martin Gill to adopt two young brothers he has cared for as foster children since 2004. Gill said when he and his partner agreed to act as foster parents to the boys, he expected it would be for just a few months.

As time went on and it became clear that the boys would not be returning to their family, Gill said he knew he'd have to challenge the state law.

Some other states have similar laws on the books, but Florida's law is the strictest in the nation banning adoptions because of sexual orientation.

In granting the adoption, Lederman said there is a consensus among researchers that there is no reason to prohibit adoptions by gay couples.

Lawyers representing Florida's Department of Children & Families said they will appeal the decision.


My love for Asian goods has been reignited

For a while now, with rise of anime in mainstream, Hello Kitty for target, and Hello Kitty worshipping celebrities everywhere, I lost interest in all things small, cute, surprisingly useful/useless, and from the East. On top of that, every low brow artist began to use anime/charter style creatures in their art work/t-shirts/vinyl toys. I burned out, the unusual had become mundane, that is until a new little shop opened up in the strip mall next to work.
I've fallen in love with the the Morning Glory products, designed by Yellow Submarine. Calendars and notebooks with cute little designs
that don't really make any sense and broken English that makes even less sense. It's a Korean company, and most of the characters are a little too Disneyish, but the new random shit thrown together line is really quite cute.
Such as the "I Envy You" card wallet you see on the left.

"scandals" from my fav website

If you haven't been following the story, I don't blame you, its a real yawner, but I'll make it fun. e-Harmony was sued because it doesn't offer same sex matches. And the right wing perverts over at Americans for Truth have got their leather panties in a bunch over this. They've been encouraging their fan base of gay, bear, leather sex, rubber-neckers, to write e-Harmony founder, Dr. Neil Clark Warren, to voice their dismay for facilitating same sex mathes. Personally, I think they're just upset because hooking up through an online dating site has become an itsy-bitsy more respectable, they don't like that they had to deal with such sleaziness when they were young. Without further ado here's one of the letters;

From: Jan
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 5:34 PM
To: ncwarren@eharmony.com [Dr. Neil Clark Warren, founder, eHarmony.com]
Subject: unbelievable

Dear Mr. Warren:

I was absolutely shocked that you would cave into the homosexual agenda, by offering date-matching for homosexuals on your “Christian” dating website. They have their own dating websites which I understand to be extremely X-rated.

I have several single and widowed friends who use your website. I will be sending an e-mail to them about your caving into EVIL and that they should not use your website — ever again.

Extremely disappointed,


Isn't that great! The use of the word evil even. God, that just made my day. I was worried that I wasn't evil enough, but now I know that I can be EVIL, not just lower-case, regular, ol' evil without lifting a finger. Well maybe not...

They've also listed president-elect Obama's pro-gay agenda.

1)the more liberal version of ENDA that includes “gender identity” (transsexual “rights”);
2)changing immigration law to treat homosexual couples (i.e., same-sex lovers abroad) like married couples;
3)expanding federal AIDS spending despite the disproportionate government monies spent on this behavior-driven disease compared to other serious maladies such as Alzheimer’s and heart disease;
4)federal recognition of homosexual “civil unions”; and
5)using the president’s bully pulpit to advocate for homosexual adoption and other homosexual activist policy goals.
I actually heard one woman call him the anti-Christ, I think it was This American Life, I'll have to double check on that one.

So, while we might have to bail out millionaires, if we're lucky we'll get legal recognition of same-sex marriages and universal health care too!

Five more ways to have fun during a "recession'

1) Stare, or listen, to the news with your jaw agape when you hear more bailout news. Watch/listen as our country becomes socialized, with none of the benefits of a socialized government, i.e. universal health care. Its always fun to let your tongue dry out, and best of all it's free.
2) Take bets on which bank, or other large industry, will collapse next. Just don't bet with money. You'll always have your dignity, bet with that.
3)Begin romanticizing poverty right now! Think of the joys that will come from sharing a simple meal of canned cocktail weenies, in the candle light, with your nearest and dearest urchins. Family bonding, when you move back in with your parents, either because you can't afford your rent, they can't afford theirs, or maybe a little bit of both. Two words; shabby chic. You will bond in style with your fellow destitute denizens.
4)Stock pile food. This idea comes from M. Buy like you're stocking your bomb shelter during the height of the 1st Cold War. Cans o' anything, M prefers peaches, but anything that'll last a few years and can be eaten cold will do. Rice, bags and bags of it, stored very carefully so none of those little worms will get in. This also doubles as an earthquake preparedness kit.
5) Keep charging everything to the credit card, live paycheck to paycheck, and pretend that you will somehow be unaffected. You get to combine the thrills of living dangerously and living in a delusional dream world where one may take shelter from the storm. Personally, I think its thrilling enough to live during a 2nd Great Depression and a 2nd Cold War. Exciting times.

Citi gets $20 Billion or FFUBAR(Financially Fucked Up Beyond All Repair)

Son of a bitch.  Citi raised my interest rate on a credit card, despite never having paid late, or having committed any other sins that cause interest rate hikes.  My interest rate almost doubles because they can't pay back their debts and they get $20 billion in aid, while I pay off my debt every month and get punished.  I hate being a worker bee, not on the bottom rung of the societal ladder, but most of the rungs on that ladder are fairly close, while the higher rungs are always out of reach even if you standing(or balancing precariously)  on the highest of the lower rungs.  
And I still owe them money for my student loans.  It's not fair, why I aren't I allowed to be fiscally irresponsible with my own money and get bailed out, while they can get into a financial fuck-up( should we start using "FFUBAR " to refer to the banking industry) with other people's money.  


I've lost my ability to stay awake for days on end

I automatically shut off at midnight and wake up at 7AM, and there's nothing I can do about it. It's not that I'm getting old, I hope, but steady work has forced my body to conform to this bizarre new schedule. When I was a student I could stay up for 48hrs straight, sleep 5 hours, and feel fine. Maybe if I go back to school while working full time, I'll regain my ability to stay up for days on end. Or, maybe it'll have the opposite effect. At least I'll learn how to sleep standing up.