I have finally, after many false starts, finished Jeff Noon's
Vurt. I must have been about 13 when I started reading it, I would start to get into it and then get really put off by something. At first it was the incest, then it was the lack of explanation as to why there are dogpeople, and what is a shadow, and is what is vurt anyway? But now the fully grown me cares not for reasons, now I understand a story is not always what it appears to be except when it is, and the bizarre and disturbing just don't get to me like they used to. Let rephrase that last part, I find a lot of the stuff (fiction, non-fiction and it affects on my psyche should really get its own post) I read very disturbing and bizarre, but now I enjoy it. I like that it's a challenge, and that it forces you to really think about it in the context of the story and what is the author's point. When I was younger I was able to toss aside plenty of books by just assuming the author's a really fucked-up pervert, therefore the work is worthless. It was a very literal way of reading, I know. Now I can say that the author probably is a fucked-up pervert, but doesn't that just add to the entertainment value? Ah, maturity is a wonderful thing.
Anyway, I read it from start to finish within two days this time.