Speaking (writing) of therapy, I'm working on a new painting. I'm still putting off the painting of actual people, I haven't even tried since... since I was a teenager. Good god, and it was with oils, and two really shitty paintbrushes that would leave little nylon strands everywhere. Anyway, I had the brilliant idea to paint bug silhouettes, since I like silhouettes and am terrified of bugs, and the level of skill to paint a simple silhouette is within my range. Granted, I've only spent about 20 minutes working on it, which really means it's no where near complete, but I hate it already. My other reason for the painting was I wanted to put more stuff on the walls. I was hoping that would diminish the pressure, since it would just decorative and not "art." But when I look at I think about how childish it looks, that it's not smooth enough, not bold enough. And rather than think of it as kind of sketch of what I want to accomplish, the beginning of something, I all I can see is how horrible it is and that there is no way to save it.
So my solution is to get all Valium-ed up and take another crack at this thing. And then, when it's finished, put it under the couch where only the rabbit can view it. I like to think of the space under the sofa as my gallery.