What else, what else...
We went a'brunching on Saturday with X and M.V. My new favorite food is now the breakfast quesadilla. X and I took further notes on how not to run a boutique. Do not buy crap from the the Santee Alleys and sell for three times the price, mix high and low prices, only the most unique items can go for top dollar, and display is so important, and good lighting is everybody's friend. And I think books and magazine (that are for sell) scattered throughout help create ambiance and remind the customers that they want to be as cool as the mags and books. And but cool "ethnic" for heaven's sake, Japanese magazines, communist stuff from China town, anything from a botanica. One day, we will have our dream store. And then we will promptly go out of business. I can't wait...
We also, accidentally, went to see the new Art Car exhibit at LACMA. We were going for our usual evening stroll around the tar pits, and saw them as we cut through the park to get by to our non-art car.
But the highlight of our weekend was winning tickets from KCRW to go see The Bird and the Bee at Bordello, which we've been wanting to go to forever, but now we finally have a really good reason, i.e. we'll get in for free. Yay!