I've got two of 'em today. The first comes from Stiff, the second comes from a crazy woman at the bus stop.
Let's begin with the book, "Dissection and surgical instruction, like meat-eating, require a carefully maintained set of illusions and denial." I love it, I just need to find a way to incorporate it in to my daily life...
Moving on. So I, and all my fellow passengers, are exiting the bus. There is this woman who's obviously crazy as fuck, she's filthy, morbidly obese, using a shopping cart as a walker, and her clothes didn't match, lurking next to the CVS. So as we're walking down the sidewalk, she starts to mumble, "You're all fucking pigs." She gets louder and the statements get better, "You're all a bunch of Commies! Communist pigs! You're spies, you shouldn't be here!" I'm not sure if the comments were directed at my group because we were using public transit, the number of immigrants, or the fact that I was wearing a black coat with very red lipstick. I like to think it's the last reason, that I look like a Cold War( the first one) Russian spy, a movie version, but a spy nevertheless.