
M starts grad school today

I'm so excited for her, I can't wait to hear first hand wait a Cal State grad program is like from someone who went to UCLA and only took difficult classes from very demanding professors.  I'm hoping that'll be a cakewalk(she'll be working full time well attending, that's the beauty of the Cal State system).  She keeps bemoaning the fact that she didn't try to apply with USC (she felt she wasn't good enough, but feels differently now...) but she can go there for her Ph.D.  Personally I think being a full time grad student and a full time worker bee are a very impressive accomplishment.
The downside is that I won't see her until after 10PM on Thursdays, but I'll just dedicate myself to my passion for napping during that time.  Oh, and I'll clean and make dinner, so she won't freak the fuck out with her new hectic schedule.