- My work X-mas party
- The fun X-mas party
- Our X-mas party/ gift exchange
- M's parents' X-mas eve party
- Dinner with my parents
After witnessing all this I had two revelations, 1) I don't ever want to work for the county(though I'm sure I will at some point, *sigh*), 2) I want to drink less. I didn't get drunk, or suffer a hangover, or embarrass my self, but suddenly, somehow, drinking finally lost its glamour. Kind of like finding out Santa's not real. My ability to drink has become a party trick, I drink a lot to shock my friends by still being semi-coherent. Well, I'm tried of being a one trick pony. I need a new useless skill. But one that makes me feel like a tough guy.
And I hope this what my new found semi-sobriety looks like;