I have rubber mold making. It looks like it worked, but for some reason angered our rabbit. As we were carefully removing the item from the molding compound( which was so rubbery... like a dolphin) the wee beast started to stamp her feet, which means she's pissed. I think it's because M didn't say "good morning" to her when she entered the kitchen. M even gave her oatmeal to get back on her good side, but the rabbit refused to eat it, which is very unlike her. Anyway, the rabbit wasn't the point.
Here's the backing I use for most of my pendants....

and here's the rubber mold I cast from it...

I once I get a decent pic of the finish product, I'll post that too. Hmmm.... maybe I should include the rubber making process (dull) and the pouring of the resin(which is as dull as watching resin dry). But once I get a good image of the final product I will list the materials used. Yay!