What have I been doing this week?
Watching every episode of Real Sex that I could. For whatever reason HBO shows them at 8pm, perfect for prime family TV viewing time. Anyway, the last one had all this pony play stuff which actually managed to give me nightmares. Can you believe it? I also watched just the scary parts of the Hills Have Eyes II, Alien v. Predator; Requiem (which is no where near as good at Alien v. Predator), The Cell, and Seven last night, but they didn't phase me at all. But that goddamn pony play gave me a nightmare scary enough to haunt me the following day. You know what else gave me a nightmare, one that woke me up covered in sweat, where I had to wake M up, and turn on the lights, earlier this week? The trailer for Plague Town. Good god, I can't wait to see that movie. The last movie trailer that really scared me was High Tensions, so this bodes very well.