And I still owe them money for my student loans. It's not fair, why I aren't I allowed to be fiscally irresponsible with my own money and get bailed out, while they can get into a financial fuck-up( should we start using "FFUBAR " to refer to the banking industry) with other people's money.
Citi gets $20 Billion or FFUBAR(Financially Fucked Up Beyond All Repair)
Son of a bitch. Citi raised my interest rate on a credit card, despite never having paid late, or having committed any other sins that cause interest rate hikes. My interest rate almost doubles because they can't pay back their debts and they get $20 billion in aid, while I pay off my debt every month and get punished. I hate being a worker bee, not on the bottom rung of the societal ladder, but most of the rungs on that ladder are fairly close, while the higher rungs are always out of reach even if you standing(or balancing precariously) on the highest of the lower rungs.