
I would like to thank my meds

I woke up late today, 7:50ish.  I'm supposed to be at work at 8AM.  Without the aid of the many pills that are slowly/rapidly changing my brain chemistry, I made it to work without bursting into tears.  That really would not have been possible without all the sedatives and mood stabilizers.  The best part is that I got dressed(including some make-up), caught the bus, got in the office about 8:20ish and was still the first person to work.  

The downside is that I kind of have to hype myself up a bit, "They're not going to fucking fire ME for being a few minutes late, I happen to be a very important cog..." Which means I'm manic-y right now, which means I'll be swinging into my panicky mode soon. Maybe my morning pill breakfast will stop that.