I invite all my friends over for Thanksgiving dinner, the is table set, the chairs are ready, but oddly there's no smell of food in the air. Everyone sits down and I disappear into the kitchen to fetch our meal. I come carrying a big, white, plastic bucket with a tightly sealed lid. I plop that bucket at the head the table, since I'm the hostess I'll need to serve everyone. I pry off the lid, I drool in anticipation of the bounty which we about to receive, and I start to put pig fetuses on to everyone's plates. "There very trendy right now, and since they were never born, they weren't killed, which makes them a vegetable, so I can eat 'em! Aren't I clever guys?" My guest quickly leave as the stench of formaldehyde, or as I call it, the stench of success, fills the room.
The inspiration for this occurred when I saw the tub o' pig fetuses in a school biology catalog and immediately started dreaming of their many uses. It's out of price range, and, well I believe that pre-natal pigs are vegetables, I could never eat something so gosh-darn cute. I also thought they would be fun to throw at cars.