
I loves me sum Japanese fashion

 Since this is from the mainstream press, I assume the trend is waning.    Hime gyaru, or princess girls, which seems like the bastard child of Lolitas and Co-gal fashion, is as most things Japanese, obsessive, insanely cute, expensive, skill intensives, and demands perfection.  I would like to dress like them, but for some reason most of the hot Japanese trends don't look so good on white girls.  

Dying my hair blond lacks the shock value of my Japanese counterparts, same thing with blue contacts.  I think the main reason is that I, and my ghostly pale, round eye counterparts, lack the drive for perfection.  Those Harijuku fashions don't work if you're going to be half assed about it.  It may not match, it might fit bizarrely, it might be a little too cold for that outfit, but the make-up's perfect, the hair expertly styled, the clothes carefully picked out.   It works like really good low-brow art.  It's tacky, the subject matter is pop-y, but with the right amount of skill, it looks great.  It has meaning.  And you know the silliness/absurdity was intentional, goddamn it.

My favorite style, which I hope is still around in some form, is the medical patient look.  Bandage, brace, slings, eyepatch, nurse and doctor-like coats.  Ohmigwad, how great, way better than stupid ol' goth, paint tray, Hot Topic shit.

Anyway here's the link;
