
This weekend/ Mother's Day

Tonight I've been invited to go out on the town with my friend J to celebrate his birthday.  By night on the town I mean a night of hard core boozing.  I don't think I can drink hard liquor anytime soon...
So my goal is a two beer limit( because they have two for one special at Fiesta Cantina).  But I've also been considering the alternative to drinking proposed by my mother, drugs.  That's right, whilst chatting with her earlier this week, about booze, she began her speech on how alcohol is a waste of time because it'll make you nauseous but drugs don't.  I assume she means that you get a much cleaner buzz, then we started talking about Trainspotting...  
I know, and have know for close to a decade now, about her fondness for pot.  If I had been a more worldly child I would have know this when I was about 6 or 7.  I had found zig-zag papers in her purse, which I assumed she was using to roll cigarettes, and I got really upset because she had just stopped smoking.  If only I had know that she was actually rolling joints and not smokes it would have saved me a lot of anxiety.