

The other night I had a nonstop nightmare fest that actually prevented me from sleeping for more than minutes at a time.  Last, last night, I kept drifting off to sleep thinking of various scary scenarios, which I knew was a bad idea, but I couldn't help myself.  Each time I would drop off it would be into some new nightmare.  An uber-nightmare, if you will.  Zombies, misc. monsters, murders, and ghost ( I've never had a nightmare with ghost, ever) continuously acting out some horrific play, sometimes with slight variations, sometimes with totally different plots.
I thought maybe this was related to my midnight cheesecake binge at Denny's, or the aftershock of therapy, but I then I realized the real cause; horror movie depravation!
Yup, that has to be it, because for the past few days not one faux-gore soaked scene has graced by optical nerves.  There are two reasons for this, each more dastardly than the last; the rabbit chewed up my ethernet cable shutting down internet access and I seen every horror movie worth watching on Netflix streaming.
Under normal circumstances I rarely have nightmares, or at least I don't have nightmares involving monsters et al.  But without my daily does of focus grouped ultra violence moving smart ass viewer to terrified, or more often deeply confused, participant.