*sigh* I suppose I should be grateful that I don't work in Ukraine, or in any of the other former Soviet satellites.
Anyway, what can I do that's fun and not spend? Going out to clubs has been moved to the back burner, bars too. I would say house party/ potluck combo is the way to go, but every time we've gotten together to do this everyone wants to make their best/newest dish. The dish that requires it's own shopping trip, so it winds up being kinda of costly. I think we might be regressing back to my teenage style of partying fairly soon. BJ wine coolers (8 for $5), the small bag of chips from 7-11, and a single movie. Oh, and we'll need a shitty boom box and a collection of early '00 dance music (ya' know, Zombie Nation and Omnibus). And here I was thinking all that was behind me...
The other option is buy a giant case of really cheap beer, payment (equally divided amongst us)and start crashing parties. Isn't that what Myspace/Facebook/the acquaintances you never speak to is for?
It's best to plan ahead, while everybody I know is still employed, and get in the habit of having fun for very little money. Or maybe practice dancing for nickels...