
Oh nos, another new year...

and I haven't made any resolutions. Yet. This a major departure for me, usually I write these things down weeks in advance of New Year's Eve. Now how will I be able to harshly judge my failures without a written record of things I haven't accomplished?
Anyway, my belated list;
1. Travel
2. Get back into activism, 2 years is more than to recover from my burnout.
3. New hairstyle every 6 weeks
4. Get those prints framed
5. Come up with better resolutions.


Ah, the winter cold...

Finally, an excuse to behave as poorly as I dreamed of.  I am justified in showing late to work, sitting in front of my screen and drooling, taking copious amounts of sedatives, eating salty junk food 'cause it's the only thing I can taste and sleeping for 12 hour stretches.  Not only is this behavior forgivable, it's good for me!  So, other than feeling like shit, this is great!


The double whamy

I got a cold, or quite possibly the flu, and my period. Since I can't breathe without my mouth open I keep waking up with drool on my face, which means the majority of my orifices are leaking at this point.
I've been banished to the bedroom with my cold pills and heating pads. And my niffy new netbook along with my jerry rigged wireless so I'll manage somehow.

Other things I want for Xmas

Platinum blond hair and an asymmetric bob.
A red cardigan that's actually soft.
Someone else to paint the bathroom.
A second rabbit to be the current rabbit's pet.  A guinea pig with long ears is also acceptable.

All I want for Christmas

A Qubus Little Joseph candle holder, and...

image via Salon Store

a Wonderland Lady candle holder found on Speranza Design Gallery.


Oh, let's do...

Out Front Colorado has put out a manifesto calling for a gay secession!   Here are my favorite bits, but please read the whole thing at Out Front's website, it's completely worth it.   

"Time and time again, American political and democratic processes have failed the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. While we commend the efforts of our allies and comrades who have courageously fought for our right to be recognized as equal citizens by the law, it has become clear that we are not welcome in the United States of America.
Countless times, we have watched as our right to equality is put up to a public vote. And time and time again, even when those rights have been secured by forward-thinking, equality-minded legislatures andcourts, we have watched American votersrevoke those rights. The message is clear: In a majority of American voters’ eyes, we are less than full citizens. We are not worthy of the same protection under the law. Our children do not deserve the same rights as other children do to have two loving parents whose marriage is recognized by their state and government agencies. Our relationships, no matter how long-lasting, do not grant us the right to honor a partner’s dying wish, or be in the hospital room as she takes her last breath. Those relationships do not qualify(PDF) as valid enough to provide a needy child a loving home. Our economic contribution, when coupled with a partner’s with whom we share a home, does not warrant the same kind of government-granted reward in the form of a tax break. We are permitted to die for our country, but we cannot live openly as who we are.
Most Americans consider these things rights. Yet most Americans have demonstrated to us at the ballot box that, when it comes to us, the rights they enjoy are our privileges, granted and taken away at the whim of our “superiors”.

...But we are tired of waiting. We refuse to be second-class citizens. We refuse to continue to pay taxes and make political, social and economic contributions to a government, society and culture that does not permit us to live freely. We refuse to be complicit in a system that does not recognize our existence, let alone our inherent right to equality.
Following yet another failure by the American Democratic process – this time, a legislative process rather than a popular vote – to recognize or even vaguely protect our rights as equal citizens, we propose radical measures.
Therefore, we are claiming the U.S. states known as California, Oregon and Washington, in the name of LGBT former Americans, as a separate nation, heretofore to be known asLiBerTGayte.
...A sort of “Gayden of Eden,” LiBerTy Gayte citizens will enjoy the rights denied them in the United States. Initially, citizenship will be granted exclusively to LGBT former Americans. To establish a strong infrastructure and economic market, citizens will be given jobs according to their abilities.
...Our belief in equality will drive our own policy-making and remain at the forefront of our National conscience. With the adoption of this manifesto, we will enjoy the same rights as every full American citizen does today.
In other words, we will finally be equal."

Yes this is the condensed version, but go and read the whole thing.  Now.



Less than 60%.  No change in schedule, although the want me to be an hourly worker so I might be able to get overtime but that is so painfully unlikely that's not worth considering.  They've told me anything over additional .50/hr isn't doable.  So of course I asked for that and an additional week of vacation.  So far I've been told that it's not doable because of employee handbook (which has been defunct for years).
Anyway, the part that really gets to me is that they don't think I'll leave.  I was actually told that, and it is sooo crazy that they don't think a 20 something IT worker/super secretary might have other opportunities for employment elsewhere.  Ugh.  Just that they think a 20 something would have any loyalty to job that has obviously been taken just to pay the bills is insane.  Hell, to think that anybody who's doing a job that they don't love will stay on indefinitely is crazy.  I'm sure that they're using the logic that the market is down therefore employees don't have any other choices.

Furthermore, if this the peak of what I can earn here why would I have any interest in continue to work here for more than the coming year?  If I've reached that top here I can use reach a new goal.

I know that I'm reading far to much into this, but this is my blog so I'm going to continue on down the crazy path.  It bugs me, the assumption that I won't go elsewhere, because it makes me feel that my lack of self-esteem, or confidence, is something they can see.  And maybe it is to a certain degree, but I feel so exposed.  This is my first real job and grew up in a household where conflict of any sort was to be avoided at any cost.  I was also taught that I should take what I can get and I that I can always do with less.  The prize was a badge of misery that could be worn with a sick pride.  So all this negation and making demands stuff is new to me.

Anyway, hopefully I'll get that extra time off to help me in the job search.